Friday 16 December 2011

SMRT breakdowns: Singapore going ... From 1st world to the 3rd? - Re: S'pore still long way from efficient/buzzy HK and civilised Japan!

To: "" <>

" .... SG going from First World back to the Third :( from whence we came in less than two generations?"

16 Dec 2011

Singapore is now paying the price for past PAP policy failures and ministerial complacency!

What's this I read that "National Servicemen may be deployed to safeguard rail network: Masagos"? - link ?

With SMRT saving on costs (cheap labour from deploying NSmen, minimal or lack of proper maintenance - hence the frequent breakdowns?, etc), where do all the profits go? SMRT CEO? Temasek and their top executives?


From 1st world to the 3rd?

Poor SMRT! I heard the news on 93.8 Live — while driving home — of the breakdown on the North South Line at the peak apres work hours!
This coming hot on the heels of the break down fiasco on the Circle Line makes me ask:
Is it just a case of baaaaad luck or is it the first manifestation of SG going from First World back to the Third :( from whence we came in less than two generations?

Crumbling of Singapore?

1. MRT Congestion
2. Housing problem
3. Hospital beds shortage
4. Unemployment of locals
5. Increased suicide rate
6. Unhappiness of citizens
7. Road congestion
8. High ERP rates without easing traffic congestion
9. Bus crowdedness
10. Compelling SG guys to do NS but unable to convince them
11. PAP running out of idea how to promote economic growth but having to resort to vices such as gambling.
12. Increased social problems and integration due to high influx of cheap, unskilled and unqualified migrant laboour with their 3rd world social behaviour and lawlessness

Are these signs of the crumbling of Singapore? The pap appears to run out of ideas how to bring SG forward but is taking the obvious easy ways out, bringing long term problems to SG.

Are the recent MRT failures precursors to more failures to come? Will there be forthcoming systemic failures of the Transport system, Medical Institutions, Housing issues, social problems?
Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew said on Thursday night the Land Transport Authority will assemble a team of experts to conduct a 'thorough health check' of the MRT system.
(LKY once famously said we are paying premium because we have men with vision in the cabinet, who can foretell problems)

Mr Lui, who is in Cambodia, noted in a post on his Facebook page that 'there have been a number of train disruptions in recent days'. 
(Really, Mr Lui, what a surprise! And only in recent days right?)

'I do not know if these are isolated incidents or whether there are systemic and more serious underlying issues causing these breakdowns.'
(With all the problems in recent months, we are not sure whether this is an isolated incident? What frequency of breakdowns if classified as 'isolated' Mr Minister? And with multi-million dollar salaries taken by you and your *** CEO you have not even instigated to find out what is happening?

His ministry will therefore conduct a 'thorough health check' of the MRT train system to determine how the faults happened, he said. 
(I really don't know what to say, beyond saying that everytime something like that happens, all our ministers say they will do a health check).

It will also look into whether the maintenance, communication and recovery processes were adhered to and how these can be further improved.
(What **  are we paying the CEO for? Nothing much to 'look into' Mr Lui - just read press reports of the **** Press Holdings and you have half the answers).

To do so, he has asked the LTA to assemble a team of relevant experts, including possibly overseas experts, to help conduct the review.
(Why are we even deciding on having FT experts when the committee has not been formed, the terms of reference not decided, let alone whether there is a gap in the expertise of the compostion of the committee).

Mr Lui said he was following Thursday night's MRT breakdown from Cambodia, where he is attending the 17th Asean Transport Ministers' Meeting and associated meetings with Asean Dialogue Partners in Phnom Penh.(Follow, huh, instead of given leadership. Hello, you Follower or Leader, Mr Lui?

'I am especially concerned over the well-being of the people who were reported to be trapped in the trains for an extended period of time before they made their way to safety,' he said. (Talk is cheap. What did you instruct to minimise the well-being of the travellers? Or were you and still are in the dark?)

Late on Thursday night, LTA deputy chief executive Lim Bok Ngam said the recent series of disruptions were 'indeed worrisome'.
(*** 'Worrisome' is all they can say? Worrisome for what? That his *** bonus will be cut? Come to think of it, if I am not good enough to be minister, I can walk into the LTA deputy CEO position).

The LTA will investigate the cause and engage an expert team to determine the underlying issues, he said.
(Which template are you using now, for such situations? Template # 47?)

He added: 'Obviously, from public feedback tonight, SMRT must do much more in their communications to the public to provide timely onsite information to help commuters make decisions on what alternative transport best suits them in the event of a disruption of this nature.'

 "" <>
Cc: Hsien Loong <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; spp feedback <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; Thia-Kiang Low <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "Gilbert Goh@yahoo" <>; KuanYew Lee <>
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: S'pore still long way from efficient/buzzy HK and civilised Japan!  

To: Transport Miniister Lui
cc: ex MM Lee
cc: PM Lee

3 Dec 2011

I just returned from holidays in Japan and Hong Kong, and these are some observations that Singapore still has a long way to go to match the vibrancy of HK and the civility of Japan:

1. At HK airport, the luggage are already out before the passengers reach the carousel, while back in Singapore Changi Airport, I had to wait for at least 20 minutes before my luggage came out! I remember Singapore used to pride itself to travelers that their luggage would be out before they reach the carousel! But not anymore! Why so? Is it because the jobs are now outsourced to cheaper "foreign talents"? 

I think it is pretty stupid and short-sighted to save on cost for short-term gain at the expense of long-term cost of traveler dissatisfaction! I was impressed in HK but not in Singapore as I was able to compare these 2 countries during the travel.

I was never caught in any jams despite the large population size and the equally large number of vehicles on the road, unlike in Singapore where jams are every day affairs nowadays. This clearly shows their road planning is streets ahead of Singapore. Public transport is a breeze. And the "buzz" is everywhere .... right into the night!

I remember ex MM Lee once chided the citizens for being complacent who needed spurs on their heels (or to that effect), but honestly, I think the Singapore ministers and top civil servants are the ones who are complacent who need spurs on their heels instead,

 so note to ex MM Lee, you were barking up the wrong tree! Or shall I say, the pot calling the kettle black!

All these years of good life and fat salaries/bonuses have dimmed your/their wits. Why not? If they make a mistake, the blame is deflected - either to some junior staff or, as in most cases, on Singaporeans. Remember the Mas Selamat case? Or citizens unable to get their flats? Blame themselves for being choosy? Traffic jams? Drivers are reckless for causing accidents that result in jams? Again, the list gos on .... 

2. Japan is truly first world - the people are so civilised, patient and courteous, and the place, especially the toilets, are really squeaky clean, unlike Singapore's. Almost stress-free living in Japan compared to daily stresses here in Singapore. We have our kiasuism everywhere like queue jumping, tissue "choping" syndrome, road rage and impatient drivers, etc.... the list goes on.

Will we ever reach Japan's standard, I wonder?
