Wednesday 28 December 2011

"Emas traffic panels hardly help to avoid congestion" - ST, 27 Dec 2011

"Emas traffic panels hardly help to avoid congestion" - Straits Times, 27 Dec 2011, link

28 Dec 2011

To: Transport Minister Lui,

The letter writer is echoing what many frustrated motorists (including me - see my attached email dated 8 Aug 2011) are facing on a DAILY basis.

The government collects billions from motorists via road taxes, ERP, COEs, etc but the transport system still sucks!


ReEmas traffic panels hardly help to avoid congestion
RECENTLY, I was caught in a massive traffic jam along the East Coast Parkway (ECP) towards the city. I then tried to get off at the next exit so that I could use Nicoll Highway instead. It took me almost an hour to drive from Marine Parade to Fort Road.
Soon I headed straight into another jam as I passed the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantry along Nicoll Highway.
How wish I had been forewarned of these jams.
If I knew there was traffic congestion along the ECP, I would have used Mountbatten Road; if I knew there was a traffic jam on Nicoll Highway, I would have gone via Kallang.
The Expressway Monitoring Advisory System (Emas) hardly helps. From my experience and that of other drivers I have spoken to, the Emas often tells one there is a jam ahead only when one is already in it.
While the Land Transport Authority (LTA) is expanding the system to have more displays installed at road junctions leading to expressways, they will be of use only if they offer timely and more precise information.
The LTA should show a colour-coded map on its Emas panels, giving an idea of the traffic situation in and around the congested zone. Congested roads should be shown in red with flashing lights.
Such a system is widely used in Bangkok, Thailand and Beijing, China. They are more informative and can help drivers plan their route better to avoid traffic jams.
The display panels used in Beijing and Bangkok are mostly smaller than the Emas panels here, so the system can be implemented with the current infrastructure.
Chen Bin 

Subject: It took me 1 hr 45 min to go from Shenton Way to Sungei Gedong! - High price to pay to drive in S’pore, The Star, 6 Aug 2011 - Singapore’s Transport Woes, The Diplomat, 6 Aug 2011
1. Singapore’s Transport Woes, The Diplomat, 6 Aug 2011
2. High price to pay to drive in S’pore, The Star, 6 Aug 2011

8 Aug 2011

To: Mr Lui Tuck Yew - Transport Minister
cc: Permanent Secretary CHOI Shing Kwok
cc: Josephine Teo - Minister of State
cc: REACH Feedback Unit

It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes (from 5pm to 6.45pm) to go from Shenton Way to Sungei 
Gedong last Friday, 5th August 2011 by car (vs 30 minutes for the 30 km journey normally).

Upon turning onto ECP at Keppel (towards Jurong), EMAS warned motorists of jams ahead 
to Buona Vista, so I exited at Bukit Merah, then proceeded to Queensway, hoping to turn 
onto PIE at Adam Road, but before long, I heard on radio (Gold 90.5) that PIE to Jurong 
was also jammed from Eng Neo, so I exited at Bukit Timah from Farrer Road. It was getting 
from hot water to frying pan because the jams along Bukit Timah Road to Clementi Road 
were even worse. Finally, after clearing Bt Timah Road, I turned onto PIE at Clementi 
before traffic became smooth, and by the time I reached Sungei Gedong, it had taken 
me 1 hour and 45 minutes! For a moment, it seemed I was in infamously gridlocked cities 
like Bangkok or Jakarta!

Clearly, something needs to be done, and quickly.

I don't normally do this as I don't intend to take over your multi-million dollar salaried job 
(or the jobs of your equally expensive junior ministers, Permanent Secretaries, etc), but I 
do have a suggested simple solution to Singapore's transport woes: a "live" traffic feed on 
vehicles' in-vehicle unit (IU) that provides real time information where the worst jams are 
(ranked by speed per 100 metres?) so that motorists can plan their routes in advance in 
order to avoid these heavily jammed roads before they exacerbate the situation? (I am 
unable to ascertain how "real time" existing resources like apps and radio are while 
EMAS is not proactive enough because motorists are already on the expreesways: they 
need to be warned BEFORE they embark on their journeys).
Of course, such a solution may involve spending millions on upgrading the software and 
hardware but with billions collected annually from COEs, ERP, vehicle & road taxes, etc, 
it is small change to the government.



Further reading: Singapore’s Transport Woes, The Diplomat, 6 Aug 2011

Saturday August 6, 2011

High price to pay to drive in S’pore


Young car-crazy Singaporeans complain of being deprived of the chance to buy and own a vehicle, with the price of a certificate to own a car costing more than RM120,000.
THE Singapore commuter, whether using the car or train, is not looking ahead with a great deal of enthusiasm.
Living among five million people, he will likely face not only continuing over-crowdedness but also a slew of price increases in the months – possibly years – ahead.
Public transport – next to housing and healthcare – has become a casualty to rapid population expansion.
When we had three million (in 1990) it was a breeze; at four million (2000), jams were starting to show on roads, in public housing and hospitals and other facilities.
But with five million currently, some things are bursting at the seams.
“I think it will take another five to 10 years to balance supply and demand in facilities like transport and housing to cope with the expansion,” said an economist friend.
Until then, he expected continuing overcrowding in trains and buses at peak hours, with the government trying to control it by raising fees.
These days, unlike a year ago, I am frequently getting a “Sorry but all our taxis are busy” response whenever I phone for a cab, even on weekdays.
And in the Singapore General Hospital, car parks are full on most days.
“Our government seems to be trying to resolve problems of insufficiency mainly by raising prices to reduce demand,” he added.
These rising costs of transportation (excluding petrol pump prices) are adding to an already high cost of living.
In June, the consumer price index rose to 5.2%, up from 4.5% a year ago, with transport (rising 10.4%) being a top gainer.
The prospect for relief in the coming months – irrespective of whether a commuter drives or uses public transportation – is slim.
Consider the following:
> Public transport: Operators of trains and buses have applied for price increases, and the government looks likely to grant their requests, despite strong public reaction.
> Roads: Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates at two busy highways serving tens of thousands of cars were raised on Aug 1 in the latest quarterly review.
> Parking: In the central business district it costs an average of S$30.40 (RM75) a day, with a survey saying central Singapore has the most expensive car parks in South-East Asia.
> Cars: The cost of a COE (Certificate of Entitlement) hovers at a 14-year high. This piece of paper is required if one wants to buy a new car: S$49,000 (RM120,958) for a 1,600cc car and S$70,000 (RM172,698) for one of higher capacity. In comparison, the cost of a car varies from S$80,000 (RM197,350) to S$100,000 (RM246,687).
The flourishing COE market is one of the unusual features of Singapore.
“It now costs more to buy a COE for a medium-sized car than to buy 1kg of gold,” a blogger observed.
Some of my Malaysian friends have found it hard to understand the rationale.
One of them laughed when he first heard that Singaporeans had to pay S$49,000 (RM120,958) for a piece of paper before he can purchase a car that cost the Japanese only S$15,000 (RM37,074) to build.
“It’s a terrific idea. The Japanese do all the work, while the government here makes a profit three times bigger.”
The government justified the COE – just like the electronic road pricing – as necessary to reduce the number of cars on the road.
It wants to avoid the sort of traffic gridlock many advanced cities face.
The Singaporean motorist is not laughing. He has seen COE prices rising higher and higher in tandem with the number of wealthy foreigners settling here.
For some, it is a good reason for speculation – for selling short if you believe this record high is a balloon waiting to burst, some cynics said.
“If there were derivative instruments based on COE prices, I’d be shorting them,” said a blogger.
“Talk about ‘prices can only go up’ are fairly good indicators of bubble tops.”
Consequently, the high COE cost has put paid to the dream of many young Singaporeans who earn between S$2,500 (RM6,180) and $4,000 (RM9,885) a month to own a car.
The COE lasts 10 years, after which a new one is needed.
An owner who scraps his car after five years, for example, will get a rebate of about half of what he paid. So if he had paid high, his rebate will be high; if he had got it cheap, it will be low.
But the cost to the public is high.
Young car-crazy Singaporeans complain of deprivation as a result of the high cost of buying and owning a vehicle in Singapore, one of the costliest places in the world.
Expensive houses and cars are often cited as reasons for more professionals migrating to Australia or New Zealand.
An online critic said: “The COE system is promoting waste by encouraging owners to discard perfectly functional cars and replacing them with new models.
“In other developed countries, it is not unusual to see a 1965 Beetle (or cars older than 15 years) still in good and roadworthy condition.”
It has also become a source of inflation. The owner is generally encouraged to buy a new car rather than repair it.
“Under the present immigration policy, expect COE to hit S$250,000 (RM617,810) one day, and cars maybe half a million dollars (RM1.2mil),” warned a letter writer.